Hokusai Restaurant – Closed
Located on the second floor of the strip mall known as Western Village Square on the corner of Western Avenue and 3rd Street.
Serves Japanese cuisine such as sushi and sashimi.
Opened in the summer of 2010. Closed in 2012.
Status change date: December 17, 2012
License number 455774
Business name HARDKOR
Primary owner HOKUSAI INC
Original issue date October 22, 2007
Expiration date September 30, 2012
License type On-sale beer and wine – eating place
Authorizes a restaurant to sell beer and wine for consumption on or off the premises where sold. Distilled spirits may not be on the premises (except brandy, rum, or liqueurs for use solely for cooking purposes). Must operate and maintain the licensed premises as a bona fide eating place. Must make actual and substantial sales of meals, during the normal meal hours that they are open, at least five days a week. Normal mealtimes are 6 to 9 a.m., 11 a.m. to 2 p.m., and 6 to 9 p.m. Premises that are not open five days a week must serve meals on the days they are open. Minors are allowed on the premises.
Action N/A
Record type Status change
Old status SUREND
New status REVPEN
Status change dateJanuary 7, 2009
License number 455774
Business name HARDKOR
Primary owner HOKUSAI INC
Original issue date October 22, 2007
Expiration date September 30, 2012
License type On-sale beer and wine – eating place
Authorizes a restaurant to sell beer and wine for consumption on or off the premises where sold. Distilled spirits may not be on the premises (except brandy, rum, or liqueurs for use solely for cooking purposes). Must operate and maintain the licensed premises as a bona fide eating place. Must make actual and substantial sales of meals, during the normal meal hours that they are open, at least five days a week. Normal mealtimes are 6 to 9 a.m., 11 a.m. to 2 p.m., and 6 to 9 p.m. Premises that are not open five days a week must serve meals on the days they are open. Minors are allowed on the premises.
Action N/A
Record type Status change
Old status REVPEN
New status ACTIVE
Status change date: July 19, 2012
License number 455774
Business name HARDKOR
Primary owner HOKUSAI INC
Original issue date October 22, 2007
Expiration date September 30, 2012
License type On-sale beer and wine – eating place
Authorizes a restaurant to sell beer and wine for consumption on or off the premises where sold. Distilled spirits may not be on the premises (except brandy, rum, or liqueurs for use solely for cooking purposes). Must operate and maintain the licensed premises as a bona fide eating place. Must make actual and substantial sales of meals, during the normal meal hours that they are open, at least five days a week. Normal mealtimes are 6 to 9 a.m., 11 a.m. to 2 p.m., and 6 to 9 p.m. Premises that are not open five days a week must serve meals on the days they are open. Minors are allowed on the premises.
Action N/A
Record type Status change
Old status ACTIVE
New status SUREND