Eva's Lechon: Filipino Suckling Pig on Third Street in Los Angeles

Eva’s Lechon

Address: 4252 W. 3rd Street, Los Angeles, CA 90020
Phone: (213) 383-3179
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Eva’s Lechon specializes in roasting whole pigs and chickens Filipino-style.

Must order in advance — about three to five days.

They used to roast baby calves (cows) as well, but no supplier as of early December 2016.

Feedback is that the final spit-roasted product is very good, but the wait time when picking up can run for over an hour.

CASH PAYMENT only. Pay when picking up.

They have smaller portions available for casual takeout during the weekends. Most of those who order here are Filipinos bringing the roasted pigs to a wedding or birthday parties. Great for Thanksgiving too!

* USDA-inspected pigs!

SIZE               PRICE       SERVINGS 
                  (add tax)    (people to eat)

1/4 on one tray    $85  	12 People
1/2 of Lechon 	  $145  	25 People

Medium 	          $225  	30 People
Large 	          $235  	40 People
Jumbo 	          $245  	60 People
Extra Jumbo 	  $255  	80 People
Super Jumbo 	  $300 	       100 People

Baka (Baby Calf)  $399  -- rarely available

NOTE: Prices are subject to change!

Ask for “tawad” [tah-wahd] (discount).

* Closed on Labor Day.

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