Village Bakery – Closed

Address: 3839 Wilshire Blvd, Los Angeles CA 90010
Phone: (213) 386-5522     빵굼터 (제과점)
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Village Bakery closed in mid-October 2015 due to the space being taken over by construction for the Wilshire/Western subway extension.

Korean-run, Western-style bakery that was on the northeast corner of Wilshire Boulevard and Manhattan Place, a block west of Western Avenue.

In the same strip mall as Nagoya Sushi… between Gaju Bunshik and Hite Kwangjang.

Almost always has had a health rating of B in the course of over six years.

Ppang Kum Teo‘s pastry case included kastera, manjoo, green-tea sponge cakes, and madeleines.

Had hot coffee and bottled chilled drinks available.

Was open seven days a week, 6:00 am – 8:00 pm.

Listed in business documents as PANG KUM TUR VILLAGE BAKERY, INC.

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