Bbukoogi Korean Soju Cafe – Closed

Address: 865 S Vermont Ave Los Angeles, CA 90005
Phone: (213) 388-3880     뻐꾸기 (카페/주점)
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UPDATE: Space is now 2nd Floor Soju Lounge

Also called “Cuckoo” Korean Soju Cafe, BBuh Ggu Gi or Bbuk Ghoo Ghee.

Korean Dive Bar with Traditional Anju.

Located in a dingy strip mall. Health rating: B

Inspect the “Happy Hour” prices closely. They’re not as they seem.

Located on the second floor of the strip mall known as “Wilshire Plaza” on 8th & Vermont.

Across the street from the Latino market Liborio and from the Madangsae Korean BBQ restaurant.

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