Sixtern La Barata store

Sixtern Kim’s Mart

Address: 3917 W 6th St, Los Angeles, CA 90020
Phone: 213-382-3917
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Sixternis the dollar store located east of 6th Street and Western Avenue, on the north side of the street. Most items cost more than a dollar.

Its name is a portmanteau of Sixth Street and Western Avenue.

* Selling Bangladeshi-made face masks with ear loops during the 2020 COVID-19 pandemic.

Carries bottled water, soda, cookies, chocopie, canned goods, instant noodles, ice cream, cooking oil, garbage bags, laundry clothespins, shower caps, hair ties, baby wipes, toilet paper, plastic basins, small trash bins…

Company Number: C3695711


Incorporation Date: 22 July 2014

Business moved location… from La Barata on the northeast corner of 6th & Western.

Closed every second Sunday of the month.

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